
Banking | 20 May 2024

Climate Mitigation Journey

The Climate Mitigation Journey (CMJ) is a manual for banks outlining the business capabilities they need to build and iterate for years to come as they are looking to align themselves with the Paris goal of 1.5°C global warming and net zero, as part of their commitments under the PRB and/or NZBA.

Banking, Climate Change, Net Zero Banking, Publications | 17 May 2024

Supporting Notes for the Guidelines for Climate Target Setting – Version 2

The 'Supporting Notes for Version 2 of the Guidelines for Climate Target Setting' offer clarification on several aspects of the 'Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks - Version 2' which Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) member banks voted to adopt in March 2024. The updated version of the guidelines has applied to all new targets and any new iterations of existing targets set by NZBA member banks since 22 April 2024.

Asset Owner Alliance, Climate Change, Industries, Investment, News, Themes | 18 April 2024

Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance’s Target-Setting Protocol Fourth Edition affirms 1.5ºC ambition for 2030 portfolios ahead of real economy progress

The UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance releases the fourth edition of the Target-Setting Protocol, which for the first time covers the majority of major asset classes across investment portfolios and will govern the next five years up to the critical milestone of halving emissions by 2030.