07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Banking, Pollution & Circular Economy, PRB Guidance, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications | 20 April 2023
Guidance on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Target Setting – Version 2
Our current linear economic system is based on a take-make-waste model which relies on resource extraction and depletes natural capital.…
Events, Pollution & Circular Economy, Principles for Responsible Banking, Webinars | 18 March 2023
Setting resource efficiency and circular economy targets
A more resource-efficient and circular economy is a significant part of the solution to deliver on sustainability goals, including addressing climate…
Banking, Europe, News, Policy, Principles for Responsible Banking | 17 February 2023
UNEP FI reappointed as observer in EU Platform on Sustainable Finance
UNEP FI has been reappointed as an observer in the new mandate EU Platform on Sustainable Finance. This platform seeks to promote dialogue and close cooperation among a wide range of stakeholders from the public and private sector which will be crucial to deliver on the aims of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and ultimately of the European green and the EU climate targets for 2030 and 2050.
Banking, Climate Change, News, Principles for Responsible Banking | 09 February 2023
Principles for Responsible Banking to strengthen climate ambition to meet increased expectations
As the global framework and gold standard for Sustainable Banking, the Principles for Responsible Banking need to continuously evolve in line with increasing ambition and new goals humanity defines. Signatories have made the important decision to strengthen the definition of the Principles’ climate ambition to specify that Signatory Banks, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, are expected to align their portfolios with a 1.5 degrees pathway.
Banking, Events, Principles for Responsible Banking, Webinars | 31 January 2023
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: from the drawing board to action
The UNEP Finance Initiative & the B4B+ Club decided to collaborate and co-organize a webinar destinated to their respective members…
Banking, Insurance, News, Pollution & Circular Economy | 17 January 2023
New finance leadership group supporting development of international agreement to end plastic pollution
Following the adoption of the historic resolution to forge an international legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution by 2024…
Banking, News | 19 December 2022
Why the new Global Biodiversity Framework matters to members of the Principles for Responsible Banking
Today, a historic agreement was reached at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15): the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework which aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Taking a similar approach to the Paris Climate Agreement, this framework sets a clear mandate for private financial flows to align with the 2050 Vision of “Living in harmony with Nature”, providing the finance sector with a landmark agreement for biodiversity-related financial-decision making.
Adaptation Finance, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Latin America & Caribbean, Training | 15 December 2022
Cómo los bancos de América Latina y Caribe se adaptan al cambio climático
UNEP FI y la CAF –Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina–, en colaboración con la Federación Latinoamericana de Bancos (FELABAN),…
Banking, Insurance, Publications | 13 December 2022
Key Takeaways from the UNEP FI Leadership Council Meeting 2022
In November 2022, UNEP FI convened for the second time its Leadership Council of CEOs of banks and insurers to…
Banking, Insurance, News | 13 December 2022
Reinforcing sustainable finance to face global challenges: Insights from the 2022 meeting of UNEP FI’s Leadership Council
At the end of November, UNEP FI convened its Leadership Council of CEOs of banks and insurers to explore how sustainable…