
Asia Pacific, Events, Fiduciary Duty publications, News | 07 September 2017

Shanghai Roundtable | Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

Roundtable on Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and The Generation Foundation invite you to an Expert Policy Roundtable on ‘Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration,’ hosted by BNP Paribas. Building on the recent achievements of the national Green Finance initiative in China, this event aims to discuss the development of an investment and regulatory environment that promotes consideration of financially material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, consistent with investor obligations and duties.

Europe, Events, News | 09 August 2017

Environmental Finance’s Green Equities

Environmental Finance, in association with the City of London Corporation and Green Finance Initiative, will hold their inaugural Green Equities conference on 14 September 2017 at the Guildhall in London. Attend this summit to hear the latest trends and learn about the drivers set to shape green equity investments.

Africa & Middle East, Events, News, Roundtables | 12 July 2017

UNEP FI Regional Roundtable for Sustainable Finance in Africa and Middle East

UNEP FI is establishing Regional Roundtables to provide an opportunity for members and actors in the sustainable finance community to come together locally to discuss the latest trends and innovations, and share good practice. 2017 marks UNEP FI’s 25th anniversary, and in this landmark year, our first ever Regional Roundtables will be the focus of our celebrations.

Latin America & Caribbean, News | 28 June 2017

UNEP FI welcomes ASOBANCA the Newest Supporting Institution in Ecuador

June 28th, 2017
UNEP FI wishes to extend a warm welcome to ASOBANCA, the Association of Private Ecuadorian Banks (Asociación de Bancos Privados del Ecuador) as the newest supporting institution in the Latin America and Caribbean region. As a member of FELABAN (Latin American Federation of Banks), ASOBANCA has been working to strengthen the Ecuadorian Banking System, represent its interests, provide specialized services and strategic reports, and contribute to the country’s development.