
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

Training sessions on “Integrating Climate-Related Financial Risk” Successfully held in the Eastern Carribean Region

Since March 2021, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the Agence Française de Développement Group (AFD and Expertise France, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) delivered five online training workshops on “Integrating climate-related financial risks” in the Eastern Caribbean region, with a aim to prompt the development and implementation of climate-related regulations.

Awareness-raising and training activities on Sustainable Finance

Este año, en el Departamento de Capacitación de UNEP FI organizamos 16 Cursos Virtuales de tres semanas de duración y 15 eventos de sensibilización y formación sobre Finanzas Sostenibles. Formamos a casi 5.000 personas de más de 45 países en 2021, principalmente del sector financiero, y también de diversos ámbitos incluidos reguladores y supervisores financieros, empresas, el mundo académico y ONG, entre otros.


Taller de Finanzas Sostenibles

UNEP FI, along with CAF – Development Bank of Latin America will deliver a workshop on Sustainable Finance to CNBV staffs from 19 March to 20 March 2020. The workshop will include topics such as UNEP FI main work areas, definitions and scopes of Sustainable Finance, Green Finance and Climate Finance, and ESG risks and opportunities.

Tools & Training

Climate Finance Capacity Building UNEP FI is responsible for a number of activities under the SDG-Climate Facility Project that aim…