
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

14 September 2017 Guildhall - London, UK

Environmental Finance’s Green Equities

Environmental Finance, in association with the City of London Corporation and Green Finance Initiative, will hold their inaugural Green Equities conference on 14 September 2017 at the Guildhall in London. Attend this summit to hear the latest trends and learn about the drivers set to shape green equity investments.

7 September 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis in Argentina

UNEP FI/Ecobanking will conduct an Introductory Environmental and Social Risk Analysis training workshop, in collaboration with the Banking Association of Argentina (ABA). This training session will take place in Buenos Aires on the 7th of September, during the week when UNEP FI is celebrating its 25th Anniversary at the Latin American & Caribbean Roundtable from the 5th of September in the same city.

UNEP FI/Ecobanking llevarán a cabo un Taller Introductorio de Capacitación sobre Análisis de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales, en colaboración con la Asociación de Bancos de la Argentina (ABA). La sesión de capacitación tendrá lugar en Buenos Aires el 7 de septiembre, la semana en la que UNEP FI estará celebrando su 25 Aniversario a través de la Mesa Regional de América Latina y el Caribe desde el 5 de septiembre en la misma ciudad.

6 September 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Human rights and social issues in finance: from global to regional solutions

The first UNEP FI meeting on human rights and social issues in Latin America and the Caribbean offered a platform for members in the region - Banco General, Banco Galicia, Suramericana and Itaú Unibanco - to share experiences on their approaches to respect human rights and act on their ability to further address social needs. Participants were also introduced to the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB), that UNEP FI has teamed up to share the findings of the benchmark, released in 2017.  Finally, regional members and stakeholders were informed about UNEP FI strategic priorities on human rights and social issues for the upcoming years, and were encouraged to give feedback on available options to adapt these to regional needs.

5 September - 21 December 2017 All Regions

Regional Roundtables on Sustainable Finance: Join Us in Africa & Middle East and Asia Pacific

UNEP FI is establishing Regional Roundtables to provide an opportunity for members and actors in the sustainable finance community to come together locally to discuss the latest trends and innovations, and share good practice. 2017 marks UNEP FI’s 25th anniversary, and in this landmark year, our first ever Regional Roundtables will be the focus of our celebrations.

6 July 2017 Casablanca, Morocco

Positive Impact Initiative African Launch

UNEP FI and Casablanca Finance City are pleased to anounce the regional launch of the Positive Impact initiative and the Principles for Positive Impact Finance, held in Casablanca on July 6th 2017.