
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

21-22 June 2017 Asuncion, Paraguay

Advanced Training Workshop on Environmental & Social Risk Analysis in Paraguay

UNEP FI/Ecobanking están organizando un Taller Avanzado de Capacitación presencial sobre Análisis de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales, en colaboración con la Mesa de Finanzas Sostenibles (MFS) de Paraguay, conformada por ocho bancos del sistema. La sesión de capacitación tendrá lugar los días 21 y 22 de junio en Asunción.

13-16 June 2017 Santiago, Chile

Climate week 2017 “Sustainable Santiago – together against climate change”

UNEP FI will be participating in the Climate week 2017 "Sustainable Santiago - together against climate change" that will take place in Santiago de Chile from 13 to 16 June 2017. This event is being organized by the Foundation Konrad Adenauer, the Ministry of Environment, along with other partners and collaborators. The event will have several panels, throughout the week. On June 16th, UNEP FI will be part of a panel on “Sustainable Finance” with a focus on Sustainable Construction Financing, along with Banco Santander Brazil.

19 May 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark

Financing Energy Efficiency in the Nordic Region

The event aims to share best practice from Denmark, Sweden and Finland on how energy efficiency can be financed through private funds and innovative financing instruments, notably in the building and industry sectors. The event is organised as part of a series of events over three years, seeking to build and support long-lasting action in EU Member States.

27 April 2017 Prague, Czech Republic

Financing Energy Efficiency in Central Europe

Targeting the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria, this event aims to share best practice from the region on how energy efficiency can be financed through private funds and innovative financing instruments, notably in the building and industry sectors. The event is organised as part of a series of events over three years, seeking to build and support long-lasting action in EU Member States.

26 April 2017 Stockholm, Sweden

First 2017 in-person meeting of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition

The members of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC), a UNEP FI-convened platform of 30 leading investors worldwide committed to taking bold portfolio action in response to climate change, are convening this week in Stockholm, at the invitation and under the auspices of Scandinavian pension company Storebrand/SPP, a member of the PDC Steering Committee.