
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

23 October 2017 10 on the Park – New York, USA

Environmental Finance’s Green Bonds Americas

Environmental Finance's 4th annual Green Bonds Americas conference will take place on October 23 at 10 on the Park (new venue) in New York, and we hope that you will join us. The green bond market is flying high this year, continuing its rapid march to maturity.

20 October 2017 Santiago, Chile

Introductory training workshop on climate change and biodiversity: risks and opportunities for the financial sector in Chile

Un Taller de Capacitación sobre “Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad: Riesgos y Oportunidades para el sector financiero en Chile” se llevará a cabo por la primera vez el viernes 20 de octubre en Santiago de Chile. El taller es organizado por ONU Medio Ambiente Iniciativa Financiera (UNEP FI) y la Iniciativa Finanzas para la Biodiversidad PNUD BIOFIN de Chile.

17 October 2017 Geneva, Switzerland

Regional dialogue, Europe: A Rights-Based Approach to Sustainable Finance

Since the unanimous endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), various stakeholder groups – businesses, civil society, intergovernmental platforms – have been working on clarifying the practical implications of the ‘responsibility to respect human rights’ for financial institutions. At the same time, in their journey to sustainability, financial institutions are increasingly showing willingness to contribute to the achievement of global priorities such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. How do these efforts come together in a coherent human rights-aligned sustainable finance agenda? The session provided an overview of industry efforts from the region to advance the implementation of the UNGPs and discussed how to connect - from a human rights perspective - the various sustainability-driven actions of financial institutions, to ultimately arrive at an inclusive, rights-based sustainable finance agenda.

16-18 October 2017 Geneva, Switzerland

UNEP FI Regional Roundtable for Sustainable Finance in Europe

UNEP FI is establishing Regional Roundtables to provide an opportunity for members and actors in the sustainable finance community to come together locally to discuss the latest trends and innovations, and share good practice. 2017 marks UNEP FI’s 25th anniversary, and in this landmark year, our first ever Regional Roundtables will be the focus of our celebrations.

13 October 2017 Beijing, China

Beijing Roundtable | Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

Roundtable on Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and The Generation Foundation invite you to an Expert Policy Roundtable on ‘Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration,’ hosted by BNP Paribas. Building on the recent achievements of the national Green Finance initiative in China, this event aims to discuss the development of an investment and regulatory environment that promotes consideration of financially material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, consistent with investor obligations and duties.

11 October 2017 Shanghai, China

Shanghai Roundtable | Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

Roundtable on Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and The Generation Foundation invite you to an Expert Policy Roundtable on ‘Investor Obligations and Duties and ESG Integration,’ hosted by BNP Paribas. Building on the recent achievements of the national Green Finance initiative in China, this event aims to discuss the development of an investment and regulatory environment that promotes consideration of financially material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, consistent with investor obligations and duties.

28 September 2017 Dublin, Ireland

Financing Energy Efficiency in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom

The event aims to share best practice from the Republic of Ireland, the UK and further afield on how energy efficiency can be financed through private funds and innovative financing instruments, notably in the building and SME sectors. Speakers will focus on practical experience in developing, structuring and financing energy efficiency investment programmes.

26 September 2017 Webinar

Webinar: How can financial services innovate to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

From gender parity to inequality and climate action, the SDGs present an opportunity to transform the impact that the financial services industry has on society.  In order to achieve the goals by 2030, an additional $2.5tr is needed annually. Join EY and practitioners from BNP Paribas, Aviva, CDC Impact investors and UNEP FI to explore how financial services can play a key role in plugging the gap.

26 September 2017 Webinar

Webinar: Deployment of Energy Efficient Mortgages in Europe

The European Union's Energy Union Framework Strategy includes energy efficiency as one of its five dimensions and states it is to be considered as an energy source in its own right. The ambitious Paris climate agreement also underlines the importance of energy efficiency. To realise its full potential, public funds will not suffice and private financing will have to be unlocked on a large scale. This webinar, organised in partnership with the European Commission, will discuss the use of energy efficient mortgages in Europe. Register by 22 September 2017.