
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

  • Nature

11 November 2021 Virtual

COP26 event: Funding the Sustainable Blue Economy

This session focuses on how we can mobilise both public and private financial flows from banks, insurers and investors, towards a sustainable ocean industry that offers an immense potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation, using key frameworks and initiatives, including the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles - to rebuild, renew and replenish the ocean - for people and planet.

21 October 2021 Webinar

How can financial institutions support and benefit from ocean health?

A healthy ocean is key for a sustainable future both for people and the planet. Join this webinar to learn more about practical steps financial institutions can take to align their activities with ocean health and hear from pioneers and experts in the field of ocean finance.

20-21 October 2021 Series of webinars

Nature-Positive Insurance Series

A leadership series convened by UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to set the global agenda for nature-positive insurance.

16 April 2021 Online conference

Sustainable Financing of the Blue Economy

The European Investment Bank, WWF and the partners of the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles are delighted to invite you to join an event on the margins of the 2021 virtual Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group: Sustainable Financing of the Blue Economy.

1-5 March 2021 Online

The Economist Group’s Eighth Annual World Ocean Summit Virtual Week

The Economist’s World Ocean Summit 2021 is going virtual for the first time and for this year only, the event is free-to-attend. The virtual week offers the opportunity to access 30 hours of highly curated content over five days, and the chance to make meaningful connections no matter where you are in the world. The focus continues on high-level conversation and policymaking in plenary sessions as well as industry focus in six dedicated tracks: aquaculture, fishing, energy, plastics, shipping, and tourism.

10 February 2021 Webinar

Science-Based Target Setting on Biodiversity

Many companies are already setting climate science based targets (SBTs) to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are now also considering nature science based targets in order to operate within planetary boundaries. Join a webinar co-hosted by UNEP FI and PRI for more.

10 November 2020 Webinar

Insuring a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Deep Dive for the Insurance Industry

Join leading insurers and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) to discuss sustainability challenges and opportunities in the context of the 21st century ocean economy, and find out how to get involved in UNEP FI’s new Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative to develop sustainable finance strategies and approaches to ocean-based industries.