
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

22 November 2019 London, 15:00 GMT

Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century Final Report Launch – London

Join UNEP FI and the PRI for the London final report launch of the Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century programme on Friday, November 22, at 1500 GMT, hosted by The Generation Foundation. The Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century programme was launched in 2016 to end the debate on whether fiduciary duty is a legitimate barrier to the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in investment practice and decision-making. Over the past four years, the programme has produced extensive evidence on the subject and has advocated for global policy reform to clarify fiduciaries’ duties to their beneficiaries.

20 November 2019 Paris, France

Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Workshop

UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the European Commission are organising a Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Workshop alongside the Sustainable Ocean Summit. Participants will explore what is required for the finance sector to accelerate uptake of finance-related policies, practices, financial instruments, opportunities and initiatives to contribute to a sustainable blue economy.

13 November 2019 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Introductory Training Workshop on Environmental & Social Risk Analysis in Kyrgyzstan

An introductory training workshop on Environmental and Social Risk Analysis (ESRA) will take place in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) on November 13th, 2019. The workshop will be organized by UNEP FI and the Ecobanking Project of INCAE Business School. Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) and the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

21 October 2019 New York City, 3pm-5pm

Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century Final Report Launch, NYC

Join UNEP FI and the PRI to discuss the evolution to the modern interpretation of fiduciary duty, which includes the consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues - from a legal case to regulatory clarification.

17 October 2019 Santiago de Chile

Semana del Clima – Seminario « ¿De Qué Hablamos Cuando Hablamos De Finanzas Sostenibles? »

Compartiremos un recorrido por el espectro de las Finanzas Sostenibles, comenzando por conceptos y definiciones generales, para llegar a abordar desde una mirada técnica y en mayor profundidad, algunos de los enfoques claves dentro de este ámbito, tales como Inversión Responsable, Bonos Verdes y Sociales, TCFD, Inversión de Impacto, Inversión Social, entre otros.

17 October 2019 Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 2pm-5pm

Sustainable Finance Policy Summit – DC

Join UNEP FI and the PRI along with senior policymakers, regulatory affairs professionals and investment professionals to discuss responsible investment policy reforms in the US and around the world.