
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

  • Nature

14 December 2022 Montreal Convention Centre (Palais des Congrès de Montréal)

Finance and Biodiversity Day at COP15

UNEP FI, in collaboration with the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, Finance Montréal, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),…

13 June 2022 Webinar

Nature-related risks, central banks and financial system resilience

Explore how central banks are starting to tackle nature and biodiversity loss, recognising the need to consider this critical topic in order to maintain monetary and financial stability across the economy. Taking a global view, this webinar looks at the challenges faced by both developed and emerging economies worldwide, taking stock of the increasing speed of development in this fast-evolving space, as policymakers, regulators, central banks and financial institutions realise they can leverage their experience in climate to take rapid action on nature. 

10 March 2022 Webinar

Diving Deep: Finance, Ocean Pollution and Coastal Resilience

This webinar will present a new practical toolkit for financial institutions to pivot their activities towards financing a sustainable blue economy in two key ocean sectors: coastal infrastructure and resilience, and waste prevention and management including plastic.

17 February 2022 Webinar

Sustainable Blue Finance: from guidance to practice

This event aims at showcasing the practical actions taken by financial institutions towards implementing the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles and associated Turning the Tide Guidance. Four leading institutions engaging with sustainable blue finance will introduce a case study ahead of a live Q&A session.

11 January 2022 Webinar

Getting started in nature, biodiversity and finance

Aimed at banks, institutional investors and insurers who are at the beginning of their journey in addressing nature loss, this webinar will introduce how nature is connected to climate change and finance, as well as introducing key concepts and initiatives.

6 January 2022 Webinar

New green shoots – the latest innovations in nature finance

Join UNEP FI, PRI, the EU Finance@Biodiversity Community and the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge to hear about positive stories and the latest innovations for financing nature. Bringing together inspiration for the new year, we will be celebrating finance projects and mechanisms which aimed towards the protection, recovery and resilience of nature.