
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

11 February 2020 Quito, Ecuador

Boot Camp De Bonos Verdes

Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), the UN Environment Financial Initiative (UNEP FI) and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America will organize the training workshop on “Green Bonds” in Quito on February 11, 2020.

27 January 2020 Webinar

Webinar: Third Phase of the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) – New Working Groups

The European Commission and UNEP FI have launched calls for expression of interest for several new EEFIG working groups dealing with leading edge issues to scale up energy efficiency investment, in support of the European Green Deal and the EU´s Sustainable Finance Action Plan. During the webinar, the working group leads will present in greater detail on the working mode and main topics to be addressed by each working group, and we will describe the kind of expertise we seek and process for sending in an expression of interest.

14 January 2020 Webinar

Webinar: Consultation on the SIF-IAIS Issues Paper on TCFD Implementation in Insurance

Supported by UNEP and working with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF) has pioneered efforts to share knowledge on activities that can strengthen assessment of potential climate risks facing insurance markets and the oversight of such risks through supervisory practices. The SIF-IAIS Issues Paper on TCFD Implementation within the insurance sector assesses the state of play across jurisdictions and provides options for supervisory action.

12 December 2019 Santiago, Chile

Public-Private Green Finance Working Group of Chile

Two relevant events on Sustainable Finance took place within the framework of the Public-Private Green Finance Working Group of Chile, led by the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the IADB, UNEP FI and the British Embassy Santiago.

11 December 2019 Melbourne, Australia

UNEP FI-PRI Australia Conference: Towards a Resilient and Sustainable Economy

The UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) together with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and in collaboration with the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI) are excited to present a one-day forum exploring the latest issues and trends for a resilient and stable financial system that will help shape Australian and New Zealand economy that prioritises human well-being, social equity and environmental protection.

10 December 2019 Santiago de Chile

Seminar on Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)

An Executive Breakfast on the UNEP FI's work with the insurance industry and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) will take place on December 10 in Santiago, Chile, the week in which COP 25 chaired by Chile will take place in Madrid (Spain). This event is organized by UNEP FI, CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and Finis Terrae University (UFT).