
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

27 April 2021 Webinar

Foro permanente FEF de Finanzas Sostenibles/Forum on Sustainable Finance

UNEP FI collaborated through the chapter "Necessary skills to change finance and finance change" in the report "The role of finance in a sustainable economy" undertaken by the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts / Financial Studies Foundation. The online presentation of the study was on April 27th at 16h CET.

21 April 2021 Online

COP26 & The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero

Mark Carney, the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance - in partnership with the UK COP26 Presidency and the UN Race to Zero campaign - are launching a coordinating alliance that brings together existing and new net zero finance initiatives into one sector-wide strategic forum: The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).

20 April 2021 BrightTalk

Climate Change Litigation and Liability Risks in Adaptation Activities & Finance

To explore adaptation finance from a litigation perspective, UNEP FI has collaborated with MinterEllison to examine how litigation may increase or reduce the barriers to adaptation finance identified in the earlier reports. The output of this collaboration, a high-level briefing paper "The Forgotten Climate-related Financial Risk: Liability Impacts on Adaptation and Adaptation Finance", will be launched at this event.

16 April 2021 Online conference

Sustainable Financing of the Blue Economy

The European Investment Bank, WWF and the partners of the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles are delighted to invite you to join an event on the margins of the 2021 virtual Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group: Sustainable Financing of the Blue Economy.

13 April 2021 BrightTalk

Webinar: Climate Thought Leadership Series Papers 5 & 6

Join UNEP FI and EIT Climate-KIC for the launch of the 5th and 6th papers of this Thought Leadership Series: “Making Green Bonds Serve the Climate Goals" (Massamba Thioye, UNFCCC) and "Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency: the role of regulators in a burning world" (James Vaccaro, Director of Re:Pattern, & David Barmes, Economist at Positive Money).

13-22 April 2021 Online

Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2021

UNEP FI is partnering with Climate Action for the 4th annual Sustainable Investment Forum Europe which returns in April 2021 as a 4-part digital event series across 2 weeks.