
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

31 October - 12 November 2021 Hybrid

UNEP Finance Initiative at COP26: Watch the events you missed

The COP26 summit will bring governments, civil society and the private sector together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Find out what UNEP FI is doing at COP26 to bring the latest climate commitments made by UNEP FI members to the attention of policymakers.

21 October 2021 Webinar

How can financial institutions support and benefit from ocean health?

A healthy ocean is key for a sustainable future both for people and the planet. Join this webinar to learn more about practical steps financial institutions can take to align their activities with ocean health and hear from pioneers and experts in the field of ocean finance.

20-21 October 2021 Series of webinars

Nature-Positive Insurance Series

A leadership series convened by UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to set the global agenda for nature-positive insurance.

20 October 2021 Virtual

Net-Zero Future: Credible Ambition and Pioneering Solutions

Ahead of the G20 Summit and COP26, hear from some of the most important net-zero pioneers who are acting now to decarbonize their portfolios and speaking out about the imperatives, challenges, opportunities and feasibility of doing so.

27 September 2021 Virtual event

Sustainable Thailand: Sustainable Investing, Sustainable Banking

Join this high-level roundtable on sustainable financing with the Government Pension Fund of Thailand and the Ministry of Finance. The event is aimed at institutional investors and banks and will discuss the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment and the UN’s Principles for Responsible Banking.