
A collection of events for UNEP Finance Initiative.

  • Webinars

29 May 2019 Webinar

Webinar: Driving Today’s Financial System for the Resilient Climate of Tomorrow

UNEP FI members from banking, insurance and investment are invited to this presentation of UNEP FI's paper on adaptation finance by the lead authors, Stacy Swann and Alan Miller of Climate Finance Advisors. The paper provides recommendations for financial institutions including integration in risk management systems and improved data & metrics.

28 March 2019 Webinar

Webinar: Launch of the UNEP FI Energy Efficiency Finance Platform

Energy efficiency is one of the most concrete actions financial institutions can take to advance their sustainability performance and tap into the trillions of USD of energy inefficient assets. It is also increasingly on the radar of financial regulators as they consider an adjustment of capital adequacy requirements for certain types of energy efficient financial products. Real estate, which is the largest source of global stored wealth, is strongly affected by energy efficiency. With more than 230 billion USD of new investment every year, energy efficiency is almost as large a market as renewable energy.

28 February 2019 Webinar

Webinar: Positive Impact Real Estate Investment Framework

UNEP FI has recently published its Positive Impact Real Estate Investment Framework, part of a suite of resources to address the SDG financing gap and shift financing practices so that environmental, social and economic impacts are fully considered, intended and measured in investment activities. This webinar will provide an overview of the Framework, and include presentations from practitioners using an impact-based approach in their investment strategies and acquisition and management.

21 February 2019 Webinar

Webinar: Launch of natural capital risk tool and framework for financial institutions

The Natural Capital Finance Alliance, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the MAVA Foundation, has come up with tools and insights to help practitioners identify material natural capital risks and opportunities within their portfolios and integrate these considerations into financial decision making. The webinar will provide an overview of the recently launched ENCORE tool (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure). It also marks the official online launch of the NCFA’s latest report produced by PwC, which applies the ENCORE tool to develop a natural capital assessment framework for enhanced portfolio risk management in banks.

17 December 2018 Webinar

Webinar Recording Available: European Commission Technical Expert Group – Call for Feedback on the EU Taxonomy

The Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance set up by the Commission in July 2018 has launched a call for feedback on EU action to develop a unified EU-wide classification system – or taxonomy – for environmentally sustainable economic activities. This Webinar will provide background and guidance on the consultation process to support stakeholders and experts interested in contributing.

14 November 2018 Webinar

Webinar: From TCFD to SDG Finance – Next Steps in Sustainable Finance

UNEP FI has pioneered work on Positive Impact finance, and TCFD implementation for investors, banks and insurers. Join this webinar to hear from the leaders at UNEP FI about the next steps in financing the Sustainable Development Goals, TCFD implementation, and how the bigger picture in sustainable finance is evolving.

13 September 2018 Webinar

Webinar: Find out more about the insurance industry’s commitment to protect World Heritage Sites

Currently, there are nearly 1,100 natural, cultural, and mixed (i.e. natural and cultural) World Heritage Sites across the globe. Natural World Heritage Sites, in particular, provide economic, social and environmental benefits. They provide vital resources such as food, fuel and water; perform environmental services such as stabilising soils, preventing floods, and capturing carbon; and contribute significantly to economies through jobs, tourism, recreation, and exports. Find out what action the insurance industry is taking to protect these valuable sites.