07 March 2023Climate Change, Publications, Risk, TCFD
Banking, Insurance, Investment, News | 03 June 2020
BLOG: After the Pandemic, what are the Opportunities and Challenges for the Circular Economy?
There is growing momentum to ensure the recovery from the global pandemic shifts the economy to a more sustainable model…
Asia Pacific, Banking, Climate Change, Events, Insurance, Webinars | 28 May 2020
Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in Asia
UNEP FI is excited to offer a webinar for participants in Asia to discuss TCFD and climate risk assessment. The session will explore the TCFD framework, the latest from UNEP FI's insurance and banking TCFD pilots, and regulatory developments around climate risk.
Asia Pacific, Banking, Events, Social, Webinars | 28 May 2020
Workshop on banking and human rights for ASEAN-region banks (By invitation only)
Join us on a virtual introductory workshop on banking and human rights issues for ASEAN banks. It will include an overview of human rights issues related to businesses in ASEAN and how this relates to banks under both hard and soft laws; how banks in the region are tackling human rights; and a live exercise to develop an ASEAN human rights risk heatmap with the help of experts. The workshop is side event of the UN Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights, 9-12 June.
Asia Pacific, Banking, Events, Investment, Regions, Webinars | 21 May 2020
Ensuring a Sustainable Recovery in the Asia Pacific: What Role for the Finance Sector?
As part of the main session of the UN Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights - Asia Pacific, UNEP FI is co-organising a session on the role of the finance sector in the sustainable and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in the ASEAN region.
BLOG: UNEP FI’s Eric Usher on how responsible banks can advance financial inclusion in the COVID-19 build back
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 crisis will have a profound impact on the whole world, and for hundreds…
BLOG: UNEP FI’s Eric Usher on how banks around the globe are helping customers and communities weather the COVID-19 storm
UNEP Finance Initiative asked banks how they were responding to the needs of their customers and local communities during…
Banks share responses to COVID-19 crisis: Call to members to tell us about your company’s experiences
UNEP Finance Initiative is providing a platform for banks to exchange experiences and ideas as they take responsible action to…
Banking, Investment, News, SDGs and Impact | 02 April 2020
UNEP FI launches new holistic impact analysis tools for the finance sector
2 April 2020 – UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative’s (UNEP FI) Positive Impact Initiative (PII) has launched two new tools…
Banking, Impact Analysis, Principles for Responsible Banking, Publications | 30 March 2020
Guidance on Impact Analysis
The Guidance Document on Impact Analysis provides more detailed explanations of the requirements for conducting an impact analysis, what data is required, who in your bank you should reach out to, and examples of the external stakeholders your bank could engage with.
Principles for Responsible Banking update: More than 170 banks worldwide now committed to aligning their business strategies with society’s goals
A total of 171 banks from around the world have now signed UNEP FI’s Principles for Responsible Banking: each one…