Impact Analysis workshops
This series of workshops is designed to provide banks with an in-depth explanation of the impact analysis process, along with the resources that support its implementation. Throughout these workshops, we will walk you through each step of the impact analysis, clarifying the requirements and providing live demonstrations to illustrate how these can be implemented using the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool for Banks. Moreover, we will discuss the diverse implementation approaches tailored to the profiles of various banks.
You can find upcoming workshops, the latest impact-related resources by clicking through the tabs below:
Additional dates for workshops to be communicated at a later date. You can access previous recordings and slides in the “Past Recordings” tab.
For questions, please contact Costanza Ghera.
Access the latest UNEP FI resources on impact to assist in your implementation.
Interactive guidance & case studies
The Guidance includes the rationale and requirements for impact analysis and target setting as well as examples. It will be updated regularly and we encourage banks to send us examples and resources that can be useful to everyone.
Interactive Guidance – Version 1.4 (14.09.2022) – Download here
Access previous recordings on impact analysis by concepts or by region below.
Clarifying requirements for impact analysis and what are the key steps to meet the Principles for Responsible Banking requirements. We explored common mistakes and challenges and had group discussions with case studies.
- Impact protocol and key concepts: 20 June 2024 – recording | deck
- Deep dive on business and corporate banking: 11 July – recording | deck
- From Impact Analysis to Target Setting: Clarifying requirements for impact analysis and discussing the key steps to move to the target setting process: 24 February 2022 – Recording | Deck
- 2023 Needs Mapping/Context Module update (2 November 2023)
(deck │morning recording pw: hXwfQYD8; afternoon recording pw: EdMB4P8x)
Region-specific workshops: The region-specific workshops aim to help banks explore impact analysis first steps and key concepts, examine case studies, and discuss ways to meet the requirements, including methodologies and data, with a focus on their region. These workshops also give banks a chance to ask questions and gain insights from peers in the region that have started their impact analysis.
- Impact analysis (31 May 2023) – (deck│recording) (pw: Kt9MNBB6)
- Turning Materiality Assessment into PRB Impact Analysis (pw: kYuTnUc3) – March 2022