Led by UNEP FI and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, this discussion paper intends to solicit feedback from the financial sector on a proposed Finance for Nature Positive working model, including definitions and associated practices. It aims to help operationalize the “Nature Positive” concept for the private financial sector. Published as a discussion paper alongside a questionnaire available at surveymonkey.com/r/FinanceforNaturePositive, the working model should serve to advance consensus towards a common understanding on how private finance can meaningfully contribute to the Nature Positive goal.

The effort intends to lead to a workable framework that addresses both positive impact and management and mitigation of negative impacts on nature. It is meant to be relevant to private sector finance and in line with the mission of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to halt and reverse biodiversity loss (avoiding harm), towards the recovery of nature (generating gains). The framework should not only create a lighthouse of ambition for the financial sector but also shed light on immediate and applicable actions that the private financial sector can take today. The co-authors hope to nourish wider debates on aligning financial flows for the implementation of the GBF.