Key information

  • 6th November 2024: Principals and two colleagues
  • 7th November 2024: Three colleagues (Principals may attend). All can join facilitated roundtable discussions
  • Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Please officially register your team and/or yourself here


Day 1 – 6th Nov 2024 (12:30pm – 5pm)

The day begins at 12:30 with lunch and a high-level opening, followed by two discussion blocks:

  • Discussion Block I: NZAOA strategic directions – Vision 2030
  • Discussion Block II: External landscape and its implications for the NZAOA, covering the economic, scientific, and political aspects of net-zero, with external speakers and a subsequent discussion.

The agenda concludes at 5pm and continues for dinner and drinks.

Day 2 – 7th Nov 2024 (9am – 5pm)

The second day opens at 9am and the following discussions are planned:

  • Discussion Block I: Continued and deepened discussion of NZAOA strategic directions – Vision 2030
  • Discussion Block II: Strategy leading up to COP30, hosted by Matt Holmes (Zurich)
  • Discussion Block III: Methodology and target setting, focusing on the scientific review of the TSP and other frameworks like SBTi, hosted by Jean-François Coppenolle (Aema), Udo Riese (Allianz), and Bertrand Millot (CDPQ)
  • Discussion Block IV: Scaling climate solution investments, hosted by Anne Clermont (AXA) and Danielle Brassel (Zurich) and discussions on private assets (tbc), and engagement (tbc)

The agenda ends at 5pm and continues with dinner and drinks.

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