Discover how your institution can become part of a growing global network of banks that are shaping the future of sustainable finance. The Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), bank-led and UN-convened, brings together the world’s leading commercial banks committed to aligning their financing activities with ambitious climate action.

NZBA members are at the forefront of the global economic transition to net zero, creating value for their investors, clients, and customers whilst driving real-world impact. Since NZBA’s launch in April 2021:

  • NZBA membership has more than tripled in number, now totalling 145 banks across 44 countries, representing over 40% of global banking assets.
  • 125 members have set decarbonisation targets for 2030 or sooner.

NZBA’s science-based approach aligns with the crucial goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial averages and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. It is the climate accelerator for UNEP FI’s Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB).

Join representatives of the NZBA Steering Group and Secretariat in this webinar to explore the benefits of becoming a member and how your bank can join and unlock new opportunities in the net-zero economy.


  • Shargiil Bashir, Chair of the Steering Group, Net-Zero Banking Alliance, and Chief Sustainability Officer at First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)
  • Sarah Kemmitt, Secretariat Lead, Net-Zero Banking Alliance

Please register for a session by using the links below. The same information will be presented at each session:

  • Morning Session | 3rd September 9:00 CEST: register
  • Afternoon Session | 3rd September 17:00 CEST: register