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New guidance on blue bonds to help unlock finance for a sustainable ocean economy
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, together with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), and the Asian Development Bank ... Read More
As legal frameworks to protect ocean and biodiversity increase, what can investors do?
By Laxmi Aeshwarya Kumar, Project Specialist Legal Framework for Impact, UNEP FI and Dennis Fritsch, Associate Nature Lead, UNEP FI Last month, after more than 10 years of negotiations, UN delegates reached an historic agreement  concerning the protection of marine ... Read More
UNEP FI joins international coalition to develop guidance on blue bonds
Five top international organisations jointly launch global guidance for bonds to finance the sustainable blue economy—a commitment to provide the global market with consistency and transparency. On the sidelines of the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, UNEP FI, together with ... Read More
In the same boat: ocean finance, inclusivity and social equity
Ocean-linked sectors such as fishing, shipping and marine tourism are among the major arteries of the global economy, providing food, goods, and livelihoods to billions of people worldwide. Due to declining ocean health, climate change and its accompanying social impacts, ... Read More
Diving deep: new guidance on finance, ocean pollution, plastics and coastal resilience
New guidance launched today by UNEP FI provides banks, insurers, and investors with a science-based, actionable toolkit to align their decision-making with a healthy ocean and accelerate the sustainable transformation of critical marine sectors. Launched at The Economist World Ocean ... Read More
Momentum Builds at One Ocean Summit as AFD signs the Sustainable Blue Finance Principles
As the international community gathered today at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, France, further ambitious steps were taken towards sustainable use of marine resources, with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) announcing it has signed the UN’s Sustainable Blue ... Read More
8 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the coastal and marine tourism sector
The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities for private finance to lend and invest in a sustainable and nature-positive way. Here we look at some of the leading examples of best practice in social and environmental sustainability across the coastal and marine tourism sector which banks, insurers and ... Read More
5 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the marine renewable energy sector
COP26 today focuses on accelerating the global transition to clean energy. The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities for private finance to lend and invest in a sustainable and nature-positive way. Here we look at some of the leading examples ... Read More
8 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the seafood sector
Sustainable Seafood can be one piece of the puzzle in ensuring food security in a low-carbon future. Global leaders are meeting at the Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit this week discussing innovations in the space. The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities ... Read More
4 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the maritime transportation sector
With the Zero and Low-emission Innovation Forum - co-hosted by the IMO and UNEP - having been held this week, the transformation of the maritime transportation sector is taking centre stage this autumn. The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities ... Read More
5 examples of best practice to sustainably finance the port sector
The blue (ocean) economy offers many opportunities for private finance to lend and invest in a sustainable and nature-positive way. Here we look at some of the leading examples of best practice in social and environmental sustainability across the port ... Read More
G20 environment ministers discuss green and blue finance
On 22 July 2021, the G20 environment ministers gathered in Naples committing to ‘continue and increase’ their efforts to address the triple crises of climate change, nature loss and pollution. Finance, both ‘green’ and ‘blue’ was on the agenda, as ... Read More
The Ocean as a Climate Solution
A healthy and sustainable ocean provides valuable benefits to human society, acting as a carbon sink, oxygen provider, global network, food source and cultural anchor to billions. Often overlooked is the vital role the ocean plays in regulating the global ... Read More
An interview with a CEO: Ilias Tsakiris
You have signed the UNEP FI Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles.  Why did American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company take this step and has it been a challenge to adopt sustainable insurance practices? Shipping itself is crucial to global sustainability. As ... Read More

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For media enquiries, please contact: Eneya Botoman, UNEP FI Communications Lead, Nature & Climate