BGR is a financial institution with 30 years experience in the Ecuadorian financial market. It currently has a local rating PCR (Pacific Credit Rating) of AAA- and has been recognized as the most efficient Bank in Ecuador with its Peer Group valued up the 1.000 million dollars. Our main customer group is the military, and we focus in serving them in an agile and innovative way, offering cutting edge products that allow them to have the greatest financial ease. At this time, BGR is the ninth bank of Ecuador with total assets for USD 952 million and liabilities for USD 875 million, with sustainable profitability indicators (ROE of 18.9%) and an excellent quality on their assets (delinquency of 2,90%).
Summary of sustainability strategy:
BGR has a principal goal to achieve sustainable banking, which focuses on supporting the environment and projects that promote and improve Ecuadorian society. In order to reach this goal, we are implementing new products in the consumption credit segments, which will focused on women enterprises related to military people; in addition, we will promote the consumption of ecological automobiles that are environment-friendly and the purchase of appliances that have a high environmental rating. In this way, we will ensure that the portfolio with the largest volume in the Bank has the necessary sustainable characteristics to reach the BGR objective of being a Responsible Bank that responds and benefits from a supportable economy.