Achieving sustainable development requires investment in an inclusive, green economy. Today, mismatches between what is financed and what needs financing contributes to continued environmental deterioration of natural capital and insufficient investment in infrastructure and people to secure inclusive prosperity. The UNEP Inquiry has explored how changes in financial system design can bring the environment more effectively into financial decision-making. Its insights have been informed by an international Advisory Council and insights from practical country experience and extensive international engagement and research reflected in over fifty research papers.
The report synthesises three key elements. Firstly, financing for sustainable development can be delivered through action within the financial system, as well as in the real economy. Secondly, policy innovations from developing and developed countries demonstrate how the financial system can be better aligned with sustainable development. Thirdly, systematic national action can now be taken to shape a sustainable financial system, complemented by international cooperation.
Download full report: The Financial System We Need
Download summary report: The Financial System We Need
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