One year after Bank al Maghrib (Moroccan Central Bank) held its first convening on finance and sustainability issues in June 2014, UNEP FI, together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), has now lent its support to the Central Bank. On 19th May Bank al Maghrib convened a national CEO Roundtable, inviting all the country’s banks to establish a Sustainable Finance Strategy for Morocco. The Roundtable was hosted by Governor Abdellatif Jouahri and addressed by Mr. Abdelouahed Fikrat, Secretary General for the Environment, followed by an expert panel featuring BMCE Bank, IFC, Societe Generale, and UNEP FI.
A working group co-led by Bank al Maghrib and GPBM (Moroccan Banking Association) will now be formed to develop a roadmap for the country’s banking sector. The roadmap is intended to contribute to achieving Morocco’s impending National Strategy on Sustainable Development, a policy framework that is currently being adopted in the wake of new environmental legislation passed in 2014.
Read the full press release.

Governor Abdellatif Jouahri, Bank al-Maghrib, during discussions at the Roundtable