Brahim Benjelloun-Touimi
Group Executive Managing Director of BMCE Bank of Africa and Chairman of Bank of Africa Group

Representing UNEP FI member: Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (Morocco)


Based on universal initiatives, BMCE Bank of Africa integrates the Environmental, Social and Governance principles in all its activities.

For more than 15 years, as the Group Executive Managing Director of BMCE Bank and Chairman of BOA Group, M. Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI led his teams to reaffirm BMCE Bank of Africa’s commitment in favour of the fight against climate change by directing the strategy of the Group towards a Sustainable & Positive Impact Finance, through universal initiatives:

Adoption of the Principles for Positive Impact Finance of the United Nations Environment Program Financial Initiative – UNEP FI

– Adoption of the 10 principles of the Global Compact of the United Nations
– Support of the Mainstreaming Climate Action Initiative within Financial Institutions

– Contribution to the release of the Positive Impact Manifesto of UNEP FI
– Signing of the Statement by Financial Institutions on Energy Efficiency Finance of the EBRD and UNEP-FI

Adoption of the Equator Principles

Implementation of a Social and Environmental Risk Management System in partnership with IFC – International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group

Signing of the Declaration of Financial Institutions on Environment and Sustainable Development of the UNEP FI

During the official launch of Positive Impact Finance in Paris, on January 30th, 2017, Mr Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI declared: “The Principles constitute a hopeful milestone. BMCE Bank of Africa is expanding its activities on the continent and it is clear that we have to be an integral part of the solutions to the numerous needs which exist in the countries where we operate. The Principles offer an excellent framework “.


Mr Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI is the Group Executive Managing Director of BMCE Bank. He is Chairman of the General Management Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Group Executive Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Senior Credit Committee.

As part of BMCE Bank Group’s overseas strategy, Mr Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI is Chairman of BOA Group, a banking group in which BMCE Bank Group has a stake of just under 73% with operations in 19 countries, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. He is also a Director of the Group’s European banking subsidiaries.

As for his other functions, he is either Chairman or Director of a number of Group companies in Morocco in the areas of investment banking, specialised financial services – factoring, consumer credit, leasing and loan recovery – and insurance brokerage. Within the framework of strategic partnerships with benchmark shareholders, Mr BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI is a Director of RMA Watanya, an insurance company and FinanceCom, its holding company.

Reflecting the Group’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, Mr BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI is a Director of BMCE Bank Foundation for Education and the Protection of the Environment.

He also sits on the Board of Proparco, the French development finance institution.

Driven by the belief that the financial sector has a fundamental role in the realization of a sustainable, positive and inclusive economy, Mr Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI plays a crucial role in the development of BMCE Bank of Africa Group’s leadership in Responsible Finance, on a regional scale

Born in 1960, Mr Brahim BENJELLOUN-TOUIMI is a Doctor of Money, Finance and Banking from University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne. He began his career in financial markets in France and went on to become Head of Research within the Securities division at one of France’s leading investment banks. He joined BMCE Bank in 1990.