Over 350 banks – representing approximately 54% of global banking assets (98 trillion USD) – have chosen to implement the UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) as a comprehensive means of addressing sustainability risks and managing impacts across their portfolios.

As a strategic sustainability framework, the Principles provide clear, adaptable, and credible solutions tailored to banks at any stage of their sustainability journey regardless of size or location – in this way it is different to reporting frameworks.

As we celebrate #5yearsofthePRB, we highlight how PRB signatory banks are putting the Principles into practice and the resources UNEP FI provides to help with their implementation journey.

“The UN holds a clear vision for what a responsible banking sector looks like. Responsible banks measure and manage the impact of their financing on people, society, the planet. That’s why we are proud to celebrate Five Years of the Principles for Responsible Banking. The Principles are the foremost sustainable banking framework and we thank our more than 350 signatory banks for their incredible leadership in accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future.”

Eric Usher, Head, UNEP FI


Five Years of the Principles for Responsible Banking

Click to view the full infographic to commemorate five years of Principles for Responsible Banking progress.


“As UNEP FI membership grows in size, regional diversity and global impact, we continue to catalyse action across the banking sector to support the transition to more sustainable and inclusive economies worldwide. In doing so, we are proud to celebrate Five Years of the Principles for Responsible Banking and the tremendous impact our more than 350 signatories are making.” Puleng Ndjwili-Potele, Co-Head, Banking, UNEP FI